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Christmas Exchange Program


The Christmas Exchange Program began in 1915 and has a long history as the first direct-assistance program provided by the Caring and Sharing Exchange.

The holidays are a festive and exciting time for most, but for some individuals and families, it can be a daunting time. Parents in particular strive to ensure Christmas day is special for their children and without the benefit of a festive meal it can leave them with a sense of distress and isolation.

The Christmas Exchange program provides direct assistance to those in need within the Ottawa community in the form of a food hamper or a redeemable gift voucher, providing recipients with a sense of hope and dignity during an otherwise difficult time of the year.

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Words of Gratitude From Those You Have Helped

CE thank you testimonial 2024 smaller for web
2024 STORY URGENT APPEAL resized for web

As you can see, just knowing that there are people like you who care makes a big difference in the lives of our recipients. 

The Christmas Exchange - By The Numbers

CE Stats chart final


Who we helped in 2024


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