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Fundraising and Development Committee


The purpose of the Fundraising and Development Committee is to work closely with staff to ensure adequate funding for the programs offered by the Caring and Sharing Exchange, and to develop, monitor and review new fundraising initiatives as necessary.


All members must serve a minimum of one year.

Duties and Responsibilities of Members:

  • Become familiar with the mission statement, guiding principles, and core values of the Caring and Sharing Exchange.
  • To be an active and committed participant and come to the meetings prepared.
  • Attend at least 75% of committee meetings.
  • Complete all assigned tasks in a timely fashion.
  • If it becomes apparent that an assigned tasks can not be completed, report the situation to the Chair and/or Director of Development as soon as possible.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Committee as a Whole:

  • Working closely with the Director of Development and other staff as appropriate:
  • Assist in creating a schedule for Special Fundraising and Awareness events.
  • Assist in the solicitation of corporate donations and sponsorships as necessary
  • Working with the Marketing Committee, assist in publicizing events to ensure adequate ticket sales and/or attendance at events
  • ensure adequate volunteer staffing of event subcommittees (i.e. Bake Sale, Auction etc) as appropriate..

Composition and Operations:

  • The committee should be composed of the Director of Development, other staff as deemed appropriate, representation from the Board of Directors and the general public
  • There should be no less than five (5), but no more than nine (9) committee members
  • Members should have some background in fundraising, event planning, marketing, or promotion
  • The committee shall appoint its own chair
  • At least one member of event subcommittees shall be from the Fundraising and Development Committee


  • The first meeting of the Fundraising and Development Committee shall be at the call of the Director of Development
  • Based on the Caring and Sharing Exchange fundraising needs and the number of events, a meeting schedule will be struck at the first meeting each year to suit the schedules of the majority of members, but may be on a monthly basis
  • The Chair has the authority to call unscheduled meetings if necessary, to handle emergency situations if, or as they arise.

Time Commitment:

  • The time commitment for a committee member will generally be up to two hours per committee meeting, plus extra time to carry out committee work as assigned.


  • A report of the Fundraising and Development Committee activities shall be made at each regularly scheduled board meeting
  • A written report of the year’s activities and outcomes shall be included in the Caring and Sharing Exchange Annual Report for distribution to members of the Caring and Sharing Exchange and potential donors.

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© 2023 The Caring and Sharing Exchange